267-992-8961 KalieMarino@gmail.com

Seven Steps of Effective Prayer

From talk given by Jim Gore

In the beginning God said, “Let there be Light.” And out of that Light everything was created. Physicists have verified that the one thing common to all atoms – whether on Earth, in the solar system, or anywhere in the universe – is Light. Every atom is centered in Light. You are centered in Light. And just as our sun radiates Light to the entire solar system, each of us radiates Light in all directions. By working with this Light from your own Light Center, your solar plexus, you can alter yourself and the world you live in.

Throughout most of history, humans have used prayer to try to alter themselves and their world. But generally, prayer has been used only when things go wrong; it’s been a cry for help in emergencies. Since people prayed in such a hit-or-miss fashion, it was seldom effective. But we all WANT to be effective. It isn’t enough just to exist; we want to know how to live to the best of our capabilities.

“The Seven Steps of Effective Prayer” is one way to do this, and you will prove to yourself that this way to pray is indeed effective. Spend just fifteen minutes in the morning, perhaps about two minutes apiece on each step, and fifteen minutes before you go to sleep. Since you are working with Light – creating with the Light of the Creator – you will be amazed at the changes within yourself, in others, and in the world.

THE FIRST STEP: There are nine problems that each of us has that need to be changed in order for us to be effective. The first problem is our past. We spend a lot of time and energy thinking about what has happened in the past – someone has hurt us, or we have hurt someone, or something happened to us that we just can’t forget. We go over and over these things in our minds, but we can’t change a single moment. Instead of concentrating our energy in the now where we live, we are wasting it. It’s been found that most people spend 30% of their waking hours thinking about the past.

Therefore, there is a great need to release your past. Simply say, “I release all of my past to the Light.” Just repeating this will begin to free you. You will begin to change. You will no longer be burdened with guilt over any kind of sin you feel you’ve committed. If you feel you have past lifetimes that are affecting you now, this will be eliminated, too. And when the past no longer occupies your conscious mind, you will be much more effective in the now.

The second problem is negative thinking (which comes from the brain) and negative emotions (which come from the solar plexus). There have been laboratory tests that show negative thoughts and emotions can be felt thousands of miles away. These include anger, jealousy, anxiety, doubts, worries, hate, loneliness, and despair. All of these have the power to affect plants, animals, other humans and everything that exists, including the earth itself. And negative thoughts and emotions affect our own systems, creating chemicals that are harmful to our bodies. So, make the statement, “I release all of my negatives to the Light.”

The third problem is fear. Fear is a negative, but it is so important and so universal that you need to deal with it separately. There are more than a thousand fears or phobias that scientists have identified. There is the fear of snakes, of flying or driving, of feeling foolish, of being rejected, of pain, of the dark, of dying. The list goes on and on, and none of us is totally free. Light cannot manifest where there is fear. So, “I release all of my fears to the Light.”

The fourth problem is the future. Every one of us has become a prophet. And we usually prophesy negatives. “It looks like rain and that will ruin our hike.” “I have so much to do, I’ll never get it all done.” “The economy is so terrible, we’ll have nothing left in six months.” “Someone is sure to push the wrong button and we’ll have a nuclear war.” This is a special kind of fear, and it keeps us from living in Love and Beauty and Joy. We are so afraid of the future; we can’t enjoy the present. And if our thoughts are focused on terrible things to come, we will manifest them, because our thoughts are powerful. “I release all my future to the Light.” Leave the future in the hands of the Divine.

The fifth problem is human relationships, and it’s such a major problem, because we judge. Most especially, we judge our loved ones – parents, husband or wife, children, sisters and brothers. We always want to change them; we say it’s because we love them and want the best for them. But if we loved them Divinely, we could not judge. Therefore, “I release all of my human relationships to the Light.” This is a time you can be specific. Add to that statement, “I release Mary to the Light. I release Joe to the Light.” Use the name of anyone you feel motivated to release, even the names of your mother and father. You’ll immediately find all your relationships improving.

The sixth problem is your opinion of yourself and the limitations you put on your concept of yourself. We all go through life being compared to others. So much of what we do is in competition with someone else. We try so hard to be better than the next person, and so often we feel we have failed. Even worse is when we think we have failed God – we haven’t lived up to our potential or we’ve done things to offend God. This is impossible. Divine Love is fantastic, because you can’t ever not be loved. You can’t ever fail, because the Divine is working through you perfectly. So, in addition to repeating, “I release my self image and limitations to the Light,” say over and over, “Thank you, God, for me.” Truly love yourself, and this love will extend out to everyone else.

The seventh problem is our human desires. There is so much we think we need to make ourselves happy. Whatever we have, we won’t be satisfied unless we have more or better. We can’t be content in the present, because we desire something different. So, “I release all my human desires to the Light. I release my desire for love, sex and money to the light.”

Sex is one of the strongest human desires, but it is especially our concept of sex that needs to change. We see every person in terms of male or female, and this alters our relationships so we cannot love divinely. And we can help balance the male-female within ourselves by repeating; “I release my concept of sex to the Light.”

We’ve made money a God, because deep down we’re more interested in money than anything else. “If I just had enough money, I’d be okay.” Look at how people have reacted to negative news of the economy. Money is also used to control by many. There is nothing wrong with money. Money is just a form of energy. We should all have abundant life. It is attracted to Light, and when we no longer put money first in our lives, abundance will come. “I release my concept of money to the Light.”

The eighth problem is judging. Not only do we judge ourselves and others, but we judge the weather, politics – everything we see and hear. Whether our opinions are negative or positive, it’s still judging. Sociologists estimate that 90% of most conversations consist of judging. What a waste! “I release all my judgments and grievances to the Light.”

The ninth problem is communication. Problems with sex, money, and communicating cause most divorces; and the last is a major factor. We expect our loved ones to know what we want and need without telling them. If they don’t, we think they don’t love us. This problem covers silent communication, too, which is often much stronger than the words we say. One of the best ways to communicate silently is to say; “I love you” to everyone you see. Though no words are spoken, the message will be received. “I release my communication to the Light.”

THE SECOND STEP: Repeat to yourself a positive statement about yourself. All the religions teach that the repetition of a sound or word or phrase will still the mind and the body, allowing Divine Love to flow through. Even better is to say, “I am a Light Being” or “I am Divine.” If that becomes your consciousness, many wonderful things happen. Your cells respond instantly. You will alter your heartbeat and your blood pressure. Your body, mind and soul will feel better than they have ever felt.

THE THIRD STEP: In this step you concentrate on the Light within you. Visualize the Light originating in your heart chakra and make the statement, “I radiate the Light from my Light Center throughout my whole being.” See the Light in every part of your body, changing every cell to pure Light. Where there is Light, there can be no darkness; and with this step you will heal yourself. If you know of a physical problem, see that area of your body as Light and do this as often as you can.

THE FOURTH STEP: Now you go on from radiating Light throughout your own being, “I radiate the Light from my Light Center to everyone.” The Light does not judge who is more deserving of its benefit. Radiate Light equally to every person. Know that the Light is activating the Light in others, bringing about change. It is the Light in you that causes change. This is how you learn to Love Divinely – by seeing Light and Love in every person.

Of course, if you know of physical problems in your loved ones or your friends, you image the Light in that person radiating from his or her Light Center throughout the body, and especially to the area that needs healing. A healing will take place. It will be a Divine healing, because the Divine is responsible.

THE FIFTH STEP: “I radiate the Light from my Light Center to everything.” If you could see within a rock, you would understand just how deeply the negative thoughts and emotions of mankind have penetrated everything that is. It is now our turn as Creators to change that. Radiate Light to every dog and cat, every fly, mosquito, and wasp. Radiate Light to trees and plants. Radiate Light throughout the Earth and know the ground you walk upon is holy. Radiate Light to houses, and cars, and smog, and books. There is nothing that does not need Light.

The more you radiate Light to someone or something outside yourself, the more Light you will receive. You cannot drain the Infinite – that which is Divine in you. So, give it away. Pray without ceasing, which means giving Divine Light and Love ALL the time. If you practice this, you will know that even in sleep you are radiating Light; and when you wake, you will find your mind and body in a state of prayer.

THE SIXTH STEP: “I am in a bubble of Light. Only Light can come to me and only Light be here.” Since there are about five billion people on this planet sending out negative thoughts and emotions, we need to protect ourselves. However, after a time of constantly radiating Light, you become Light. Because you are the Light of the world, you need never fear anyone’s thoughts or emotions. You need never fear anything at all, because you are Divine. You are the Light.

THE SEVENTH STEP: “Thank you God for everything, for everyone, and for me.” Recognition that the Divine is in operation in all that is, is the most important change in consciousness you can make. KNOW that the Divine is working perfectly in everyone and everything. KNOW that you cannot judge results, or people, or anything you see and hear. KNOW that the Light can change everything. In spite of evolution, in spite of prophesies, all can be changed simply by recognizing the Divine and saying, “Thank you God for Love and Light in everything, in everyone and in me.”

After you work with these Seven Steps for a time, you will think of ways to change them. Go right ahead. Be Creative! You are Light and you will know what is right for you. Soon you will find that radiating Light is such a part of you, you can do nothing else. You will BE Light while you work, play, drive, read, and interact with others. Your life will be filled with Joy and Beauty and Love, because you are an effective Creator.

Effective Prayer

1. I release all of my past, negatives, fears, future, human relationships, self-image and limitations, desire for love, sex and money, judgments and grievances, and communications to the Light.

2. I am a Light Being. It is my nature to love.

3. I radiate the Light from my Light Center throughout my Being.

4. I radiate the Light from my Light Center to everyone.

5. I radiate the Light from my Light Center to everything.

6. I am in a bubble of Light and only Light can come to me and only Light can be here.

7. Thank you God for everything, for everyone, and for me.


Use your imagination to see and feel the light’s radiance, even if you do not experience this spontaneously. Imagination can create the space for a real experience. Use these steps twice a day, allowing at least two minutes per step, and you will get results within two weeks.

This prayer comes from

United Research, P.O. Box 1146

Black Mountain, North Carolina 28711

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